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(Scholastic) The JUMBO book of MATH practice pages

歡迎來到“數學練習頁”! 300頁引人入勝的樂趣,本書中的活動旨在加強和提高學生的數學能力。


從基本概念(如計數,圖案,形狀,位置值)和加法和減法事實 - 涉及金錢,時間,重組,分數,代數,數據分析和測量。這些頁面提供了一個很好的方法來加強和建立在以前教授的技能,引進新的或先進的概念,並提高速度和計算精度。您還可以使用活動作為額外的練習,為落後的學生或作為即時作業活動。



這些練習的目的是為學習必要的數學技能提供支持,由國家數學教師委員會(NCTM)標準和課程確定 一年級和二年級的焦點。並在本書的後面提供了一個全面的答案使學生的工作快速簡單。隨著這些活動頁面的使用,學生得到了練習他們每天都要建立數學技能!


Welcome to The Jumbo Book of Math Practice Pages! The 300 pages of fun, engaging activities in this book are designed to reinforce and sharpen your students’ math skills. These daily exercises can be used in the morning, after lunch, during transitions, or at the end of the day to help students build a solid foundation for successful math learning. In addition, they work well as quick tracking and assessment tools to monitor students’ understanding of and progress in a variety of skills. Each reproducible practice page can be used to supplement and enhance your math curriculum. Activities progress from basic concepts—such as counting, patterns, shapes, place value, and addition and subtraction facts—to more challenging exercises that involve money, time, regrouping, fractions, algebra, data analysis, and measurement. The pages provide a great way to reinforce and build on previously taught skills, introduce new or advanced concepts, and improve speed and accuracy in computation. You can also use the activities as extra practice for struggling students or as instant homework activities. This handy resource covers a wide range of math skills, making it a valuable tool for use with students at all ability levels. The flexible format allows you to use the practice pages at any time and in any order. Activities at the beginning of the book focus on basic concepts and are perfect for review or to help students who need more support with early skills. To meet the needs of more advanced students, select those pages farther along in the book that address the skills you want to target. You can also use the pages to help bridge students’ skills as they move from basic to more difficult concepts. The exercises are designed to provide support in learning the essential math skills identified by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) standards and curriculum focal points for first and second grade. And a comprehensive answer key in the back of the book makes checking student work quick and simple. With the use of these activity pages, students get the practice they need to build math skills every day of the year!


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