240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know
這套書從 G1~G6 共六冊,是由大名鼎鼎的 SCHOLASTIC 出版社所發行。
適讀年紀 :6歲及以上 24篇課文,每課3頁,教你靈活應用詞彙。每課都包括了探索性的活動來幫助學生們回顧以前學習的知識,以便更好地理解,也給學生多次遇見新詞的機會,使得他們真的能夠記住。課文的主題包括同義詞,反義詞,組合詞,科學和社會研究領域的主要情景詞等等。準備你的閱讀能力飆升吧!適用于一年級學生。
Teachers can build word power with these 24 ready-to-reproduce, 3-page lessons. Each lesson is packed with fun, research-based activities that help students to explore roots, prefixes, and suffixes; use students' prior knowledge for greater understanding; and give students multiple encounters with new words so they really remember them. Watch reading skills and test scores soar!
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